Now last time Wooly and I went to Japan I had made the statement that it was a trip of a life time, I mean really what are the odds of ever going back to Japan??? Well pretty good as we have just finished that trip again... First let me say as a young girl I dreamed of traveling to far away place and jumping feet first into their culture and way of life. I never thought I would get to do this, especially as I was to short for any military services,lol... But I have just finished that long, ass aching trip to Japan again and this time I had another plane to hop when I got there. A five hour lay over and another plane, a nice express ride on the subway. I nice lady helping us find our way out of subway and putting us in a taxi and we finally made it to a hotel for the night.
Now you have to remember we had been traveling a straight 28 hours by this time and we finally make it to a bed... Rather small by American strands but a bed... A much needed try to sleep even though your body is telling you "Hay dumb ass it is day time!" But for now I am getting a little ahead of my trip...
Now usually plane trips are boring, maybe some turbulence to wake you but no this very long trip from Chicago to Tokyo was not really as boring as it should have been, lol...
First let me say, I checked, really I did... I have a food allergy, no really it is classified as "Highly sensitive" To soy! Yep some thing the Japanise use for every thing in one shape or another... So knowing that I am on Asian airlines and that most my food would be typical Asian food I checked the menu before leaving so I would know what not to eat... Yep would have been smart as I checked both menus but me being me and slightly dysfunctional I checked lunch/dinner and breakfast. I knew I could not have the Samon as it was cooked in a soy sauce and had soy souce on it... I had the chicken, yucky, not quite right chicken..
But the second meal instead of being the breakfast I checked was another full meal... No choice just here what you get... I ate the fruit, drink the wine, and had some beef and rice... Wrong thing to do, the beef had to have been cooked in soy sauce and shortly after eating I started to fell hot, like hot flashes hot. My stomach bloated to almost twice it's normal size and I had to get to the toilet fast, really fast... Glad I was right by one... Well my meal had to get out of my stomach and to put it nicely it came out by any office possible... I went back to my seat still pale as a piece of paper... The stewardess notice haw pale I was and kept asking you running a fever. ( in her best English) I keep telling her no I was okay, she watch me like an Eagle stalking pray. I was trying really hard to convince her I was okay in-between trips to the bath room... But it was Wooly who stepped it up and convinced here that I was only having a hot flashes... But I swear there was a lot of masked people following me through customs and immigration... and that there was a lady waiting at the end of immigrations pointing to the sign about you must report to the nurse if you have experence any fever during flight.
I know that the Japanese they are still really freaked out about the bird flu so seeing myself being quarantined for the 16 days I just keep walking... I was surprised when no one tackled my ass and dragged me back but was happy I was going to get a 5 hour lay over and one more flight before I land on Hokkido Island in Japan... I think I fell asleep in the airport first time for both getting sicker then shit on a plane, and falling asleep while traveling...
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