Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Deer Wooly

I know if you read my stories that a lot of our riding friends call me the “Rain Goddess” but they call Wooly “Deer” And no I did not spell this wrong I do mean the four legged animal that people hunt, shoot, and eat. I will let him tell you all of his close encounters with these four legged critters but I am going to tell just one of his tales …
The most intense one was nine  years ago. Wooly, me and our favorite long haul biker friends went for a weekend spin. Our favorite long haul biker friend had just bought a new Heritage Springer and wanted to take it for a spin so plans were made, and Friday night we met half way between our houses. Once we hooked up everyone headed back to our place for dinner, drinks, and catching up it was not thirty miles before the darkening skies let loose and started pouring on us (Rain Goddess). We did pull over in a gas station and let most of the storm pass before finishing the way to the expensive storage locker. There we spent the night drinking wine and catching up on everyone’s lives...
The next day I had a wedding to go to, so it was a late start down to the Lake of the Ozarks. It is a good thing it was only a couple hundred miles so no big hurry on the time thing… After the reception and eating some damn good food we all hopped on our bikes and headed for the lake… This was before Wooly had the “New Wife” or I the “Submarine”.  So Wooly was riding the First Wife and I was riding Mydol and our friends were on their new Heritage Springer. The ride down was great, no rain. We would be heading into some but every time I thought we would run into it we would make a curve and it would not be right in front of us any more… We did get spit on a little but with the Midwest heat none of us seemed to mind...
After arriving at Woolly’s brother’s house we all unloaded and hopped on his boat for a little spin a few beers and a quick jump in the lake to cool off. Back at the house our favorite long haul biker friends said that they wanted to go check out Bagnal Dam… This being a weekend night I knew I could walk around faster then drive so I pulled Mydol into the garage and hoped on the back of the First Wife. 
We had rode most of the way to the dam when I watched a deer jump out of the woods. Now this damn thing was running straight beside us at an angle. I quickly did the geometry in my head and knew we were going to crash with the damn thing...  But early that day Wooly had told me in his not patient with me anymore way “Do not question my madness!” So I being scolded once, I decided to not question his madness.  That was almost a fatal mistake that I will not make again…Lesson learned!  Always question any madness!
When I could see those big brown eyes almost staring straight into mine I decided it was time to react to this bad situation… I screamed "duck! "while  I grabbed the top of Woolly’s head and pushed both of our bodies as close to the bike and as flat as I was capable of doing… At the same time the deer had to of thought, those stupid f@$king bikers and decided to give it her all and jumped over us… Now in this nano second all three of our lives had changed…  The deer actually jump right in between Wooly and my heads even in our flattened state it barely missed both off us...our long haul biker friends was behind us and watched the whole thing unfold before their eyes too…
After the deer jumped over Wooly and me, she jumped over the car that was going the other way, I however did not see it because I still was holding Woolly’s head down to the gas tanks of the First Wife… When we had came to a complete stop in someone’s drive way our long haul biker friend was screaming at us “Did you not see that fucking deer? What the hell is wrong with you?  Did you not see that fucking deer?”   I think he was more upset then we were over the whole deer jumping thing.   Don’t get me wrong I was shook up but I did not thinking yelling was going to change anything and I was  just glad that Wooly and me was not road kill...
The drive back to the lake house was very intense we were all watching for deer and probably going as slow as an old lady driving to church...  But somehow we managed to make it back to the lake house alive without any more deer incidents.   Once there we hoped in the boat and went to the local cove bar for a drink or two... I just keep thinking them deer can't get  us now...Safe for the night!