Wednesday, August 14, 2013

"Want to go for a three day bike about?"

Well any one that knows me knows you do not have to ask twice.  So when Wooly asked if I want to  go for a three day bike about. I  had my  saddlebags  packed in ten minutes.  Asking where we going he said "The Ozark mountains".  Now around here the Ozarks mountain's are the place to play, less then a day ride away to some curves twist and bankies. So getting a late start we take off head south and then back east to go play in the mountains.  The first day was really nothing to write about just 273 miles to Table rock lake where we would start our fun.   We stopped there for the night cause the rains was getting really close.  We stayed in a little mom and pop place, .nothing fancy but a clean place with very biker friendly owners...Mountain Country Inn, the owner rides and was very nice he suggested we eat at Gators across the street.  So bed and what we thought was dinner secured we ran to Walmart to get a new memory card for the go pro camera we got and had mounted to a helmet.  We bought too big of a  memory card and ended up going to another store  the next day.  So with no breakfast at the hotel I picked up some fruit, nuts  and muffins for breakfast.  We found a car wash and washed all the bugs off the bikes, not a easy task as they seem to be attached  to the Submarine.  And then it was back  to the hotel where we parked the bikes and walked across the street to grab some dinner.  Well we missed dinner, the  kitchen closed at 8:30 and we got there at 9.  Damn good thing I bought stuff for breakfast as it now became our dinner. And we got all this done  before the heavy stuff came down that night. But the moon was full and I thought what a great way to start a trip.

Next morning we have coffee what was left of breakfast and load up to go to Walmart #2 to get the right memory card.  I remember thinking how much  I love the smell of rain,  and how much I have missed that smell, and how long had it been since I had smelled that smell of the wet dirt, the earth being soaked.  It had been at least 10 years.  The drought probably had some thing to do with it...Any way  after getting the right card we was back on track to ride the Pigs Trail again...

This is about the most fun you can have on two wheels around this part of the country. After riding the twities to Eureka Springs  we stopped at the satellite store to get souvenirs.  They had nothing I really wanted so we decides to take a small side trip to Rodgers to go shop at the big H.D. store.   While looking for presents for people Wooly found a bike "I had to see!"... a $46,000 bike.  The bike was gorgeous but $46,000 and it was not even a C.V.O. ... Also it was too pretty of a bike to be mine.  With gold leaf paint.  A garage queen  to say the least nothing that I should have because it just would not be pretty when I chipped that paint going down some gravel road or through construction or what ever else  that would chip a paint job.  But while at the Pigs Trail Harley   I had put a notice on face book of where we was and got a text  from a friend that she was at work 10 minutes away.  We waited for hugs from Terri Jo and it was worth the wait even in the almost 100 degree heat.   It is always great to see good friends even if just for a quick hug and a happy face.

After hugs it was back on bikes and off for more fun and games... The twisty,curvy, banky fun and games that I love...

Oh here is where I should put in my new declaimer:
 " Hi my name is Gina and I am a curve-a-holic...  It has now been a few days since I last rode a curve.  I can feel my heart racing, my hands sweating and my blood vessels are about to burst!"

  We rode or should I say coasted though a couple of elk grazing on the side of the road, but some how did not have the motorcycle camera on for it.  (Big slap on the forehead) Stoped at this beautiful road side picnic area that was built into an out crop of mountain... GORGEOUS!!!
 Then I almost ran out of gas and we was in the middle of nowhere. I was coasting down the hills so I might make it to the next gas station...Finally gassed up and looking at radar noticed we was in trouble, bad thunderstorms was building up all around us.  I would like to say we made it but it would be a big lie.  We got poured on, riding a scenic by way going through mountains in the middle of nothing.  My very expensive riding glasses fogged up. I could not see so I was tucked down under my windshield with my glasses resting on my nose.  Not the thing to do this time as  they did not make the trip.  I lost them on a curve  circled back found them busted in the middle of the road. Was not even worth picking up.  Lense missing broken ear piece ...etc..   We finally pulled into a spot on the map that had not only a hotel it still had a subway open... 8pm soaked  and subway for dinner.... I still was filling lucky as we did make it there alive and with the only incident being my riding glasses... Still all in all a good day.

So our last day we start out to finish our fun ...  I walk down to the only gas station convent store to get coffee for breakfast.  We strap are still soaking wet clothes to Wooly fender and off we go to finish our little 3 day bike about.  We road up through Peels Ferry a place I had been by a million times but never rode so today we  had to ride Peels Ferry...
 When we was almost to the other dock the tug boat came unhooked from the ferry and slammed into the side of us.  Glad I was on my bike when it happened because I think if I was not it might have been knocked over... We  finished our fun riding up through Mark Twain forest.  Up some back roads that started going into long sweeps before we finally had to turn back west and make our mad dash home...