Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Not going to be my normal post

So over Memorial weekend I had a tooth problem. I woke up Friday with a swallow jaw and could barely open my mouth. Yes it was a quite weekend here, lol... Called my dentist who was in Telluride Colorado on vacation with her family. She prescribed antibiotics and pain pills. By the way pain pills and wine are a great combination if you ask me. Today went to see dentist, she took ex-rays and sent me off to an oral surgeon to extract and impacted wisdom tooth.
So the joke for today is I am a 45 year old women who is teething and had 1/4 of her wisdom remove...

Monday, May 30, 2011

I guess the first thing I should do is introduce my family to you... Wooly is my better half and and the love of my life. We have rode lots of miles in life and on the road side by side. We raised our children together work together and have spent most of our free time traveling on our bikes together.
We travel all over the country on jobs so we do not get home much so we refer to the house as the expensive storage locker. When we do get home our garage is our favorite thing in this world. It keeps the girls safe and warm and the only reason we have a house, lol...
The girls are our motorcycles, we are not rich but we do love our girls and when you got a couple or more and they are a part of your world, like family so to speak they get named. For ease of remembering we will name them from oldest to newest.
The 1947 FL is the Mistress, cost some big bucks and you only get to play once in awhile....;D We built this bike together with some help from our friends. She had been Wooly dream for, well before me and it was our project in life for a long time.
The 1980 Fx is named Mydol, as you can tell by the name she is mine and not Woolys. She was the first motorcycle I loved. Not the first but the others were not loved just abused and used.
The 1982 FLHS is the First Wife, She has been with Wooly before me or Dew (Woolys daughter) And at this point in time is our rebuild project... More later on this.
The 2003 FLHSTUCI is the New Wife, do you see the pattern here yet, lol...
And last, For now, is 2007 FLHX named the Submarine, she is my tour bike.
So that explains the garage and the girls, we have two daughters both from our first marriages... Kid 1 will rarely be mentioned as she is not really involved in our life at the moment. Dew Woolys daughter is grown and living here dream. She lives in Japan and is a teacher over there.